Well done to 5th and 6th class and their teacher Mrs.Armstrong for organising a Christmas Craft Fair and Cake Sale in aid of St.Vincent De Paul. In total they raised €703 for the charity. Thanks to everybody who kindly came along and supported the event. Many thanks to the Burgess family who brought their coffee hut on the day. The hot chocolates went down a treat with everyone! The Burgess family raised €245 on the day which will go towards the purchase of some goal posts for the school. Well done to all involved!
December 16th was a busy day in Lisronagh NS. Santa Claus popped in for a visit, with a selection box for everyone. 🎄🎅👏 Our parents association organised a Christmas raffle on the day too. Some wonderful prizes were won 🎁. Thanks to everyone who sponsored prizes, to the people who bought tickets and to our parents association for all their hard work.👏👏
Congratulations to our 5th and 6th class pupils who came first and fourth in the Scoil Ruain, Killenaule Table Quiz last night. We are very proud of you! 🎉👏👏
1st and 2nd class loved participating in Science Week. In the photos below you can see them launch a rocket, make spaghetti towers and experiment with paper helicopters!
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ContactLisronagh National School,
Shanbally, Lisronagh, Co. Tipperary. Phone: 052 6122167 Email: [email protected] Principal: Claire Keane Enrolment: Total: 95 Boys: 53 Girls: 42 (2023/24) Ethos: Catholic Primary School/Roll number: 06789H |
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